Friday, November 18, 2011

Things My Husband (And Men In General) Have Yet To Learn...

Dirty clothes will not grow legs and walk to the hamper

The dishwasher cannot start itself

The toilet seat will not put itself down

Playing computer games will not cook supper

Rinsing off dirty dishes will not cause the world to implode

The bathroom sink dropped out of high school and doesn’t know how to clean itself of all the shaved facial hair.

Saying that your wife is “butch”, “husky”, or “hefty” are not terms of endearment.

The floor outside the bathroom is not the washing machine

Toilets only flush themselves if you are in a mall or restaurant.

Sometimes chick flicks will put girls in a lovey-dovey-romantic mood… think of this as a win-win. Zombies on the other hand… usually not really a turn on.

Dirty dishes will not grow wings and fly into the dishwasher

Asking a woman if she is pregnant will have only one of two reactions. If you are asking, you better be damn sure you will get the good reaction.

Bills and student loans will not pay themselves or disappear no matter how long you leave them sit unopened.

Groceries do not grow in the fridge.

A “Dutch Oven” is something that should be in the kitchen or dining room only… never the bedroom.

All this being said, I love my hubby very much, and he helps me when I ask him to. It would be nice though to not HAVE to ask and just have him jump on in. Maybe this will just be a little "reminder list" that he can refer to. :)


  1. HAHA, I love this! Boys have so much to learn.

  2. hmm I laugh at this knowing full well how all that stuff is said or done by your husband (or me for that matter). Most are done in fun (save the cleaning stuff) I miss you guys and hope to see you soon
