Monday, January 16, 2012

Intriguing Questions

So I have this random question that always pops into my head around wintertime... the question is this:

Since water freezes at 32degrees, if the temperature outside is 35 degrees (above freezing) but the windchill is -5 (below freezing) does the water freeze or stay liquid?

Humm... tricky... I KNOW RIGHT?! So on that random wavelength of thought, I decided to sit and think about other random questions I would really like answers to, yet I know I probably never will. So read and ponder with me... (Some I came up with on my own, but some are ones I have just heard  before)

-Why do doctors leave the room when you get undressed? They are going to see you naked anyways.

-Where does the white go when the snow melts?

-Why are there two correct spellings for the word "donut"/"doughnut"?

-Why do dogs love to put their face in the wind when riding in the car, yet hate it when you blow in their face?

- Can you cry under water?

- If you "put in your two cents", but it is, "a penny for your thoughts"... where is the extra penny?

-Can vampires get AIDS?

-When are they going to run out of things to make movies about?

-Why does water have an expiration date?

-Why to medical supplies (like band-aids, scissors) have expiration dates?

-If scientists can create an apple that tastes like a grape (grapple) why can't they make things like peas, brussel sprouts, or adult medications taste good?

-What do you call a male Ladybug?

-Why do holidays like Thanksgiving and Easter only get a couple days of celebration while Christmas gets 3 months?

-Do people really think that pressing harder on a remote with a dead battery will make it work again?

-If a chronic liar tells you he is a chronic liar... do you believe him?

-What happens when you try to fail and succeed?

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