Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Oh Motivation...

My husband has worked out for the last year and had wonderful results, lost weight, feels better about himself, has more energy, and enjoys working out. So I thought, why not try to do the same?

I did try... I worked out 4 days a week and ate healthy for 3 months... gained 3 pounds and then lost 5. So a grand total of 2 pounds lost in 3 months. I did not notice any change in inches or feeling slimmer, and it was still a struggle to take the time to work out when there could be other things I was doing.  Can we say, FRUSTRATION!? So naturally, I stopped working out. If Brandon is in the living room working out, I don't join in, I simply do other household chores, check Facebook or Pinterest, or just do something else to avoid watching him work out. This makes me feel like a lazy pile. Looking back I think my motivation was in the wrong spot, and I didn't have any reasonable goals that I was working towards.

So recently, I got on another kick of "I want to better myself" and I talked to a few friends who run. I like running, it just hurts my knees after a while. But I have always wanted to do  5K. It can't be that bad right? It's only a little over 3 miles, so why not stop procrastinating, get up off my butt and just do it? Well now that I had my motivation, I looked up the "Couch to 5K" running program that outlines what to do for 2ish months to get a person ready to run a 5K. PERFECT!!

Yesterday I had a day off and I was excited to start running... then I went outside... too freaking cold to run out there, I don't have a gym membership nor the $ to start one, and I don't have a treadmill... Why is it that it can be beautiful outside all winter and then right when I get motivated to run outside mother nature decides to make it so cold and spoil my plans? Motivation went down a notch...

Next option, I tried doing one of the workout videos my husband has. It started using weights and resistance bands, and I tried using my husbands which are WAY too heavy for me, so much that I can't even move them. Then I tried using wine bottles or canned goods which were too light and did no good. Motivation down another notch....

Finally I called Brandon, told him about my plans, and how frustrated I was that nothing was working. He gave me the name of another workout that was on his computer, and I completed that workout. I felt good afterword, and I was glad that I actually did something active. Today I was going to try to run again... but once again... way too cold. So I am going to try another workout that doesn't use the weights, maybe an ab workout. 

I guess that my main point in this entry (besides bitching and venting my frustrations) is that I really want to work out/be healthy. I don't feel like I need to lose any ridiculous amount of weight, but just to be healthy and feel like I am doing something good for myself. Of course a few lost pounds would be welcome, but that is not my goal. A goal that I do have is a 5K to start with. Maybe after that a 10K, but lets not get carried away. So until it gets warmer and I can run outside, I will try to work out 3-4 times a week with various videos that Brandon has. I know my sister-in-law is working up to complete a running event, and maybe sometime I can run with her... that would be way cool! 

But for now, any words of wisdom, encouragement, or positive thoughts would be appreciated!

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