Thursday, April 26, 2012

Beef Stew

Tonight for supper I made beef stew and it was pretty darn tasty. As with all my soups, I never use a recipe... I just dump and stir until it looks (but more importantly tastes) right. I can tell you most of the ingredients I used, but just not the quantities.

I had leftovers from a beef roast I made earlier in the week with rosemary and fennel, and I also reserved the broth/stock. I threw that in a dutch oven on the stovetop and let it start to simmer. I also added a little canned beef broth, tomato sauce, and a little water for more liquid volume.

The veggies I used were potatoes, celery, carrots, corn, garlic, and onion.

The spices/seasonings I used included garlic powder, onion powder, celery seed, paprika, bay leaves, a seasoning salt blend, and black pepper.

I am sure I added something else along the way, but this is what I could remember :) We do have a bunch of leftovers, so I am going to try to freeze some to use later. 

PS- if anybody knows a good way to take a picture of soup so it doesn't look gross, let me know!

1 comment:

  1. I think you can take nice pictures of soup if you use a pretty bowl and go from a sort of side angle as opposed to the birds eye view. Also, adding a little crust of baguette or garnishing with fresh herbs might brighten it up a little! :) Sounds delish though!!
