Sunday, November 13, 2011

Early Turkey Day

Family + Food + Dog Parks + Clue = HUGE SUCCESS! 

My parents, brother, and sister-in-law all came over to Brandon & I's house this weekend to celebrate Thanksgiving. Everyone just left this afternoon, so I am just going to write about it to try to hold on the the fun a little longer.

Everybody showed up on Friday night, put the turkeys in the roasters overnight (yes we had 2, one small turkey and one turkey breast), played a few board games, and went to bed. Saturday I started cooking and baking up a storm and we had our Thanksgiving meal at noon. Dinner was followed by a food coma and then we watched some football and the old movie Clue. After getting in the detective mood, the 6 of us sat down to play Clue the board game. I won, but only after 4 other players died and I had seen all the cards but my Mom's (but hey it's a win right?). 

After that my dad decided to rest a little while the rest of us went outside and played Frisbee and threw around a football. It was such a nice day that we ended up going to a dog park for about 45 minutes. On our way back home we stopped to get supplies to play beer pong. Yes, that's right... beer pong. It was a lot of fun and Mom is a surprisingly good shot!

Sunday we got to sit around for a while and visit, followed by card games Hearts, Pig-it and Hog-it, and then going to the dog park again. After lunch we played one last round of Clue and everybody parted ways with bags of leftovers in their hands.

All in all, it was wonderful to see everybody, we ate way too much good food, and had some good bonding time. I love my family! :)

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