Tuesday, July 17, 2012


So I will apologize in advance, but I need to vent for a minute...

I have been working out and trying to lose a few pounds/get in shape for a while now. I started with Turbo Fire in April which is mainly cardio for about 45 min-1 hour,  about 5 days a week. No problem... In addition to the cardio workouts, I tried to run about 2-3 times a week because I have always wanted to run a 5K (I used the couch to 5K app). I did that until mid June and didn't really see any results. I didn't feel different, weight was hovering at the same level as when I started, and I only lost an inch around my chest (not exactly the results I was looking for, but whatever). So I talked to Brandon about it since he is my coach (I guess he is my husband too... minor detail though) and he said that maybe cardio isn't what I need, and that I should try weight training instead. Per his recommendation, I started P90X and I am currently on my 6th week.

Here is where the frustration comes in...
These workouts are between 1 to 1 1/2 hours 6 days a week. This leaves me no time to run because by the time I get home, work out, shower, and eat, it is time to go to bed. There is a lot of pushups/pullups which I currently struggle with, so I feel like I am not doing very good when I can only do 5 "girl" pushups while the other people are doing 30+ regular pushups (I know they are professionals and are supposed to be awesomely fit, but still... I am venting here). I have really been working hard at the workouts and I truly give my best effort every time even when I don't like it (aka: yoga). I have also been trying to eat healthy which I do pretty well at, minus the occasional splurge on pizza or a beer (not really that often, but it happens).
Well today I decided to weigh myself and see if I made any progress. Turns out I gained 6 pounds and I have a tricep... on my right arm (not the left).
I tried to run again today since it has been over a month since I last ran... and my pace was almost a 12 minute mile... I used to be able to run a 10:30 minute mile. (granted it was 102 degrees out when I ran, but I don't want to make excuses, I am simply out of "running" shape)

So in my head, by working out I have slowed my running pace, gained weight, and have become lop-sided. All this being said, I am still going to finish P90X and give it my best effort. I don't know if it is the best option for me, but I want to be able to say I finished it and that I tried my best. It just makes it hard when you don't see the results you are working towards, and I just want to feel good about myself.

All in all though, I know this is a small drop of water in the ocean of life and it really isn't that big of a deal. There are much bigger problems/obsticals out there and if this is what I am frustrated about, I think I have a pretty good life. Sorry to be a debbie-downer, but I just wanted to vent to get it out of my system.

Now I am going to blog about baking again and be happy :)

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